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thgzd - Globe

 te ha ge ze. a to the ra to the fu to the ra to the 


Diamonds in the shadows, where the power plays hide,  

Elitists orchestrate moves like a chessboard divide.  

Masked in agendas, they whisper 'bout the fate,  

While the people hustle hard, just to keep up the rate.  

Wisdom's a crown, but they gift it like a toy,  

Selling dreams on the side, but the truth’s a decoy.  

Gotta read between the lines, decipher the intent,  

In this game of thrones, every question’s potent.  

Follow the dollars, watch where they compel,  

Making whispers of wealth become a booming bell.  

Sustain the facade, keep the masses on the grind,  

While the autumn leaves fall, revealing schemes intertwined.  

In this labyrinth of influence, not a straight path to find,  

But insight's a lantern when you’re stepping blind.  

Manifested agendas, with inky fingerprints,  

We rise above the noise, break the invisible fence.  

Many wear a mask, but the truth can't be concealed,  

From the boardroom battles to the fate that’s been sealed.  

Time to flip the script, let wisdom be the sword,  

As we critique the game played, with intent that’s restored.  


thgzd - Refleksi

 te ha ge ze. a to the ra to the fu to the ra to the  πŸ”Ž Mataku menatap, selami alam fikir,   Di pesan bijak, merangkul cahaya tuk mengukir,   Dalam cermin diri, aku lihat bayang-bayang,   Gelap di belakang, cerah di hadapan. Merenung di malam, bintang jadi pengganti,   Keseimbangan terjaga, takkan hilang budi pekerti,   Ambil semua pelajaran dari luka yang pernah,   Buktikan diri bangkit, tak terjerat dalam duka. Edifikasi, ed cool, satu tekad, smangat takkan padam,   Kembali ke asal, bangun dari reruntuhan,   Mindset direset, terus pacu prestasi,   Ku cari cara untuk meraih harmoni. Dengan kerendahan hati, ku terbang, menembus batas,   Menggenggam visi, hati-hati takkan retak,   Keluar dari masa kelam, kegelapan terlampaui,   Kini ku terangi jalan, pengetahuan ku bawa. Setiap langkah berani, tancapkan niat suci,   Diri ini stabil, lebih cerdas dar...

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